

"What a shame."
"Yeah...yep. It's a real shame."

The two men stood with arms crossed, feet fixed and gaze unwavering; sentinals over the scene unfolding before them.
The air was crisp and clear that day - a perfect winters morning. It was incongrous with the moment, unceremoniously beautiful and full of potential. But, the sky knew better.
Without breaking his watch one leant slightly into the other, the only sign that they were in conversation.
"You know what?"
"Ruby and I had our first kiss in that surfhouse. God, I remember it now. She was so beautiful. Yeah, beautiful..."
He paused momentarily losing himself in a movie of times past, but without even a flicker of distraction, his eyes remained on the scene.

"...hmm, what a shame."
"Yep...real shame."

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